What is ADD / ADHD?
It's not uncommon that the symptoms of ADD / ADHD are misunderstood. Parents often fear that their children with ADHD are trying to be difficult, not truly understanding the challenges they face. Similarly, in adult relationships, symptoms of inattention are easily mistaken for aloofness, apathy, or uncaring.
For these reasons, psychoeducation is a crucial part of treating ADHD in children and adults alike. Not only will proper education help to clear up the misconceptions of others, it can show your clients that they aren't alone. It can help them realize that there is a very real cause for what they're dealing with.
Using Praise: Positive Parenting Skill
When used strategically, positive reinforcement is significantly more effective than discipline. Praise—a simple form of positive reinforcement—is an excellent tool for managing a child’s behavior.
The Using Praise: Positive Parenting Skill worksheet teaches parents how to use praise to its maximum potential. Many parents have tried using praise, but feel frustrated when it doesn’t work as they had hoped. This handout will help parents avoid common pitfalls, and improve their child’s behavior.
Using Praise- positive parenting skill.pdf
Gaslighting Warning Signs
Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that causes a person to doubt their own beliefs, sanity, or memory. Learning about gaslighting warning signs can strengthen resistance to this harmful manipulation.
Common gaslighting tactics include denial, minimization, and threatening. Identifying these behaviors is often the first step in a victim’s rebuilding their self-confidence.
Boundary Styles
Personal boundaries are the limits and rules we set in a relationship to define what is acceptable, and what is not. Boundaries are influenced by our values and culture. Boundaries—which can be porous, healthy, or rigid—may differ from relationship to relationship.
The Boundary Styles worksheet is a one-page handout that describes differences between the three boundary types. For example, someone with porous boundaries lets almost anyone get close to them, while someone with rigid boundaries keeps almost everyone at a distance. By contrast, someone with healthy boundaries is selective about whom to let in and keep out.